Friday, September 21, 2007

contract for learning

My iHCPL Contract for Learning

• I will develop a routine by setting aside time to work. I will try to find at least one hour where I can dedicate myself to the iHCPL program at the same time each week.

• I will work on one lesson at a time. This will prevent my missing important information or forgetting to complete an assignment.

• I will not rush myself. I will learn the information and then move on to the next exercise.

• I will find a quiet place to study. This will help me concentrate and forget about everything else in my life for awhile.

• I will work with my supervisor to determine the best times for me to complete the iHCPL exercises.

• If I need to finish something that is work related, I will finish that first. I will not rush my learning experience. If I miss a day of study time, I will continue on my schedule and finish when I am ready.

• Balancing my job and iHCPL may take time. I will have to see which time of day I am able to study without distraction. My job needs will have to come first, but since I will be working at my own pace, I should not feel discouraged if I miss a day or two of exercises.

• I will consult a coworker if I am having difficulties. We can share and learn from each other.

• I will have fun!

Signature and Date
Kerry L. Madole 09/21/07

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